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Ruslan Kuchity : go to the top of the page

To Wrestlingfan. 

Thank you for visiting this web site. T.Dzgoev was a very talanted wrestler. He defeated many famous wrestlers, including Mark Schultz at WCh 1983. But he retired early (in 1985) because of the injury.  

He graduated from two universities and I think he works within the Tax Police in North Ossetia.  

By the way, did you read this  



If you heared about this guy, I would like to know your opinion (within the comments under that article ). 


12.05.2006 , 01:49 [ E-mail ]
Wrestlingfan : go to the top of the page

Why was the wrestling career of Dzgoev so short (Only 1982 - 1983)? What is he doing today?

12.05.2006 , 00:29  
Wrestlingfan : go to the top of the page

I saw Dzgoev wrestle at the 1983 World Cup in Stillwater Oklahoma. He defeated a very talented wrestler by the name of Mike Sheets by a score of 7 - 3. Dzgoev is impressive. To my knowledge, the only American wrestler who beat Dzgoev was Chris Campbell.

12.05.2006 , 00:14  
Outstanding Ossetians