Datiev Dzambolat
Major-general, a hero of World War 1
Dzambolat Datiev was born in August 1871 in Upper Kartsa, North Ossetia.
He studied at Kievskoe Infantry School and then in St.Peterburg Artillery School.
He fought within Russian military forces at the battles of WW1 and was wounded.
After that he was appointed to serve at the Russian-Turkish border near Kars. At that time for the excellent service and courage he was already given a military rank of Colonel.
By the time when February 1917 Russian Revolution took place, according the Highest Emperor’s Order Dzambolat Datiev had been promoted to Major-General. Later on the Council of Soldiers’ Deputies offered him, as a highly respectful commander, continue commanding the troops at the side of revolutionaries. But Dzambolat refused. His officer’s honor did not let him breach the military oath given to Russian Tsar.
He said: “I am a man of duty and I want to live with a clear conscience”.
After retiring Dzambolat Dzantiev settled in his native village Kartsa and lived in a quiet and peaceful environment.
But in 1935 as a former officer of Emperor’s Army he was exiled to Uzbekistan. There the brave and glorious general spent the last years of his life.