Alexander Borukaev (Borukhuaty)
Major-general, a WW 1 hero
A.Borukaev received his military education graduating from Artillery School. At the age of 20 he entered his first battle in the Russian-Turkish war.
Alexander proved himself as a talented commander, brave and much disciplined officer. Here is just one episode of many feats of arms of A.Borukaev.
“After sunrise Major-General Imeretinsky’s group passed to the offensive actions. The Turkish artillery opened fire at the front wedge of the Russian troops. Alexander noticed that and redirected the fire of his cannons to the Turkish battery. Artillery duel lasted about ten minutes when a stunning explosion shot up like a volcano –the shell hit the Turkish ammunition depot. The attacking Russian cavalry and infantry approached Lovchi without any resistance.
But then the Turks rushed to the counter attack. At this point the troops met each other face to face and Borukaev could not use the artillery fire any more. He then left several soldiers at the cannons and heading others rushed to help the infantry units.
Borukaev’s artillery battery acted just as heroically during the storm of Plevna Fortress and in many other battles. Alexander Borukaev was honored many times with orders and medals.
In June 1903 he was given a rank of Colonel, and later on - in the beginning of the Russian-Japanese War he was appointed a commander of the artillery brigade. In 1905 by the order of Russian Tsar Borukaev was awarded a Golden Sable with the memorable legend: “For The Outstanding Courage”.
On May 30, 1907 for the excellent military service he was given a rank of Major-General. During the World War 1 Alexander Borukaev, now Lieutenant-General commanded the 10th artillery brigade located in Lodz (Poland). Later on he retired and the last several years of his life Borukaev lived in Ossetia.
He died in 1918 in Vladikavkaz.