Lazar Bicherakhov (Bicherakov)
Major-general of Russian army, Lieutenant-General of British army
Colonel of the Terskoye Cossack Force (Tsar Army). After 1918 - one of leaders and organizers of anti-Bolshevik activities in the Caucasus. From 1919 - White émigré. Living in Germany, during WWII he was head of the North-Caucasus Section of the Committee of Liberated Peoples of Russia (KONR) - anti-Soviet organizations. Chief- Commander of the military forces of the Prikaspiisky Region (in 1919-1920).
L.Bicherakhov graduated from Alekseevskoe Military School in Moscow. In 1914 -1917 he was taking part in military operations during the 1st World War. In 1915-1918 he commanded a Cossack detachment within Caucasian Army at the Iranian Front.
After the October 1917 Revolution in Russia took place, Bicherakhov retreated to Enzely (Iran) and made an agreement with British authorities (General L.Densterwill) on an issue of joined actions at the Caucasus region. Later on he moved his forces to Petrovsk (now - Derbent) and established connection with leaders of Russian counter revolytionary resistance General Denikin and Admiral Kolchak. In the end of 1918 he returned to Baku, where in 1919 the British authorities disbanded the Bicherakhov’s troops.
Then Bicherakhov proceeded with his service within the West-Caspian Military forces of General Denikin. But the vast majority of poor people and some of the middle class supported the new Bolshevik Power and therefore the resistance of the White Army troops was doomed to fail.
In 1920 General Lazar Bicherakhov immigrated to Great Britain. Eight years later he moved to Germany where he died in 1952.
We do not know about the second half of the life of this extraordinary person. Neither have we known anything about his descendants and his brother Georgy Bicherakhov. They swore allegiance to Russian Tsar and fought for the high ideals they were raised on. This site is not politically or religiously engaged and we do not evaluate in that way the activity of the people presented here.
We will appreciate any additional information about Bicherakhov brothers and their descendants.