Boris Gabaraev was born on May 23, 1947 in the town of Tshinvali in South Ossetia.
Having graduated from Moscow Energy Institute in 1971 with diploma in thermal physics engineering, he was taken on staff with NIKIET that same year. He built up his carrier step-by-step, starting with position of engineer and eventually becoming deputy director for international projects, director for R&D and then General Manager of the Institute (1998).
Dr. Gabaraev is the author of 20 inventions and more than 60 scientific papers. His main interests lie in the area of thermal physics, hydrodynamics of two-phase flows and critical flow, in the context of safety analysis of reactor systems. He took his Ph.D. thesis in 1986 and got doctoral degree in 2001.
For many years, he successfully led NIKIET activities in the area of international cooperation, which largely contributed to the international recognition of Russian nuclear science and engineering. The NIKIET effort was highly commended by international experts reviewing the safety of RBMK plants.
NIKIET is retaining its cutting edge under Dr. Gabaraev's leadership. Thus, acting on President Putin's Initiative announced at the UN Millennium Summit in September of 2000, the Institute has been performing R&D activities aimed at creation of a large nuclear power sector based on fast reactors with a closed cycle. The Institute develops naval and space reactor systems, package nuclear plants for heat and power supply in far-away regions, research reactors. Much attention is paid to life extension of Russian plants with RBMK reactors, to the international project of fusion reactor - ITER, and to conversion.