Akhmet Tsalikov (Tsalykkaty)
Founder of the theory of Islamic socialism
A.Tsalikov was born in an Ossetian Moslem family. He studied law in Moscow University. Participated in 1905th student democratic movement. Later he became a member of Russian Social-Democratic party as a Menshevik (member of the minority caucus). He popularized the ideas of Muslim national renascence. Before WWI he headed the North Caucasian Moslem movement.
Akhmet Tsalikov is an author of several books, publisher of the Moscow newspaper “Suz” (1915-1916).
After the February 1917 revolution he was elected as a Head of the Russian Moslems Central Office. In May 22, 1918 Tsalikov returned to Ossetia. Then he headed the Medjelis of Highland Nations in Tiflis (Georgia).
In 1919 he was assigned as one of the leaders of revolt in Dagestan against troops of general Denikin.
When the Bolsheviks took over in Georgia in 1921 Akhmet Tsalikov emigrated to Turkey.
Additional sources:
http://www.bkd.org.tr/tarih/ahmet_tsalikkati.asp (in Turkish)