Art lycee chamber choir
The "ARION" Choir was founded in 1983 on the base of the Art School of Vladikavkaz, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.
The School has combined all in all the educational, musi¬cal, choreographic and art schools in a single 10-year-old edu¬cational process. Such educational structure helps to reveal the creative potential of students in full measure. Founded in 1977, the School became Russia's first Art Lyceum, in 1989 largely thanks to the selfless effort bent by its current principle and art director Alla Kotsoeva. The "Anon" choir brings girl-students and graduates of the Art Lyceum together.
Renaissance polyphony of the 15th - 17th centuries, 18th and 19th centuries Russian church music, classical and con¬temporary West European music, songs and symphonies all feature high on the choir stylistically diverse repertory. "Arion" has breathed a new life in many old Ossetian songs offering a raft of fascinating interpretations. The "Arion" is doing a great job pro¬moting Ossetian music, and they usually unveil almost everything that is written for Youth and Female Choirs.
The Choir actively involved in the Republic's cultural life, appearing in concerts, competitions and festivals for radio and tel¬evision. Since 1995 the Arion Choir on a regular Basis cooperates with International Humanitarian Organizations: UNHCR; LJNICEF; DRC and others, working in post conflict arias of North Caucasus.
The "Arion" Choir has, over the years, repeatedly showcased Ossetian Choir singing outside Ossetia-Alania:
Lithuania - Vilnius.
National Week of Children's and Teenager's Music.
National Week of Children's and Teenagers Music.
Russia - Moscow, Kolomna.
National Week of Children's and Teenager's Music.
France - Grenoble, Lancee.
Czech Republic, Litomysl. International "B.Smetana Choir
Competition" Golden Diploma, Silver Diploma
Russia - Moscow. Friendly Voices International Music Festival.
Austria - Kufstein (Tirol). 2nd International Choir Festival.
Italy - Riva del Garda.
International Choir Competition (2 Silver Diplomas)
Austria, Vienna.
1996 - Russia - Moscow. Ossetia-Alania. Republic Cultural Festival. 1993
Spain, Sant Cugat. Europe Cantata International Singing Week. 1998- Austria-Vienna.
International Festival 'Voices of World - Welcome to Vienna".
1999 - Russia - St. Petersburg.
International Chamber Music Festival "Palaces of St. Petersburg".
2000 - Germany - Wittenberg 3rd International Choir Competition
2000 - Spain. XVIIIth International Festival "Musica de Cantonigros".
2000 - Russia - Moscow. National Junior Festival
'Star of Bethlehem" devoted to the 2000* years of Christianity. 2002- Hungary-Veszprem.
International Choir Festival "Vivace - 2002". Special jury-prize.
2003 - Germany. Concert tour in Saxony.
2004 - Russia, Moscow. XVI International Festival of Orthodox Music.
2005 - Russia - Moscow. XVII International Competition of Orthodox Music. Golden Diploma, Grand Pree
The "Arion" Choir is a member of the Europe Cantata (EC) and the International Federation for Choral Music (IFCM).
The Choir is conducted by Olga Dzhanaity the graduate of Gnessins Music Academy and Honoured Artists of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. She combines teaching with full artistic and pub¬lic activities, work™ hard to preserve and expand the Ossetian
Folk Song tradition. Olga Dzhanaity wonted with Male Folk Choirs in different years: "Chepena" from 1982 to 1989; "Naron" from 1988-1989; conducted the Choir of professors and lectures of State Agricultural University "Fshati" from 1990 to 2000. At pres¬ent Olga Dzhanaity is the artistic director and conductor of the Philharmonic Male Choir of Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Olga Dzhanaity is the winner of the 1981 Republican Conductors' Competition and the proud owner of a special Conductors' Diploma of the 1994 "B.Smetana Choir Competition" in the Czech Republic.
Contact address:
362017, Russia, Republic of Severnaia Ossetia-Alania,
Pushkinskaya 10,
Lycee Iskusstv,
Tel/fax: 007-867-253-9254;
e-mail: kazi-bek@rambler.ru