Agoev Vladimir
Major-General, a World War I hero.
Vladimir Agoev was born in Novo Osetinovskaya , North Ossetia into a family of Cossack military officer. He completed a full course at the Alexandrovsky Military School.
Due to his courage and talent he raised very rapidly. By the beginning of the WW1, V.Agoev commanded the 3-d Sotnia (100 Cossacks) of the 1-st Volgsky Regiment.
Later on he was promoted to an assistant regiment commander. In 1917 by the Decision of the Voiskovoy Krug (Elected Cossack Military Council) V.Agoev was appointed as a Commander of the Volgsky Regiment.
During the World War 1 Vladimir Agoev participated in more than 130 battles, showing the samples of heroism and courage. Being a composed and prudent officer he felt himself better within dangerous situations of combats. He was honored with many orders and other awards, including the highest symbol of courage and spiritual greatness – the “Cross of St.George”.
At the beginning of the Civil War V.Agoev took the side of the “White Guard” and joined the Caucasian Army at the South of Russia. Colonel Agoev participated in battles at Mozdok, Priblizhnaya, Prokhladnaya, Apollonovskaya, Soldatskaya and many others.
On October 24, 1918 he was wounded, but a couple months later he returned to his service. After the Novorossiysk catastrophe left those of White Army retreated to Crimea. Here General Wrangell brought his army up to strength again. The number of the troops reached 40 thousands.
Vladimir Agoev was promoted to Major- General’s rank and took over as a Commander of the 1-st Tersky Cossack Division.
But the main battles were lost. Soon, thousands of the troops, - the former proud of Russian Army, transformed into a big crowd of angry and hungry people, found themselves in Dardanelles. Later on they spread all over the world – from the Eastern Europe to South America. .
According with one of the versions Vladimir Agoev was killed somewhere in Brasil, close to San Paulo.
But as it was mentioned in General Wrangell’s memoirs, Agoev was killed in a combat on August 12, 1920.
His wife Ekaterina, son Dmitry and daughter Nina reached the USA, where the brother of Vladimir – Lieutenant-General Konstantin Agoev lived. Ekaterina married a Russian officer and they moved to Madagascar. Nina also married a French officer. But nothing is known about the fate of Dmitry.
“The Sons of Fatherland” by G.Dzagurova.
(Translated by Ruslan Kuchity)
by Ruslan Kuchity, administrator of
Few years passed since we published this article. Couple days ago I surprisingly received a response from Nina Mamy. She is one of the grand-daughters of Dimitri, Vladimir's son, lives in France.
We greatly appreciate her help to make the Agoev's family history more clear for us and our visitors.
Here is what she wrote:
(in French)
Le corps de Vladimir n’a jamais été retrouvé sur le champ de bataille où il a été déclaré mort. Il est totalement faux qu’il soit allé vivre au Brésil. Konstantin a bien émigré vers les Etats-Unis. Il est venu en France pour voir sa nièce Nina. De son passage, il est resté la recette des chachliks.
Vladimir Agoev in his early years of military service
Ekaterina ne s’est pas remariée. Selon mon père qui l’a connue et a gardé des contacts avec elle, elle se rappelait toujours de son mari adoré, parlait toujours russe et cuisinait russe. Elle est morte dans la fin des années 70.
Nina a toujours vécu en France où elle s’est mariée avec un dentiste français. Elle a eu deux garçons et quatre filles ; il ne reste que deux filles aujourd’hui. Elle est enterrée en région parisienne auprès de son mari. Elle est décédée au milieu des années 90. Ses arrières-petits-enfants vivent en France ; le dernier est né cette année.
Dimitri a vécu une vie assez mouvementée et n’a jamais quitté le nord-ouest de Madagascar où il a été enterré après son décès au début des années 90. Avec ma grand-mère, il a eu quatre enfants (trois garçons et une fille) qui vivent soit à Madagascar, soit en France. Il en a eu d’autres avec les autres femmes avec qui il a vécu. Nous, à part mon père, avions très peu de contacts avec lui. Il a vécu sans contrainte d’aucune sorte.
Après votre mail, mon père a demandé à sa cousine si elle avait encore des photos de l’époque russe mais il n’en a pas obtenu. Celles que sa grand-mère (affectueusement appelée mémé) lui avait données, ont été empruntées par Dimitry qui ne les a jamais rendues. Il reste une image de Vladimir dans son uniforme. Je ne peux, par conséquent, que vous envoyer une photo d’Ekaterina prise en novembre 1978 et de Dimitry.
(in English)
Vladimir’s body was never found on the battlefield where he was pronounced dead. It is totally false that he went to live in Brasil. Konstantin has immigrated to the United States. As Ekaterina told he was married. He visited France to see his niece Nina and left us his receipt of shashlik.
Ekaterina has never remarried again. According to my father who kept in touch with her, she still remembered her beloved husband, always spoke Russian and always cooked Russian food. She died in the late 70’s.
Nina has always lived in France where she married a French dentist. She had two sons and four daughters; two of them still alive. She passed away in the mid 90’s and was buried in Paris area next to her husband. Her great grandchildren live in France; the youngest one was born this year. One of Nina's daughters died during the weekend of Easter 2011.
Dmitri lived a quite eventful life and never left the Northwest of Madagascar where he was buried after his death in the early 90’s. They had four children with my grandmother (three sons and a daughter) who live either in Madagascar or in France. He also had some other children from another wife with whom he lived later. We all, except our father, had very little contacts with him. He lived without any kind of constraint.
After receiving your mail, my father asked her cousin if she still has pictures of the Russian era but he has not obtained. Those his grandmother (he always calls her mémé) had given him, were borrowed by Dimitry who has never gave them back. There is one picture of Vladimir in his uniform. We do not know if some pictures still remain. Therefore, I can just send you a picture of Ekaterina taken in November 1978 and three of Dimitri.
Best regards,
Nina Mamy