Alan Cherchesov
A contemporary Russian Ossetian writer.
Alan Cherchesov was born in Vladikavkaz to the family of the well-known writer Georgy Cherchesov. He is a graduate of the Philological faculty of the North-Ossetian State University.
In 1985, Alan started his postgraduate studies in history of foreign literatures in Moscow State University, where he defended a thesis on mass culture and fiction. Currently, he is working toward receiving a Doctor’s degree from Moscow State University. An Associate Professor of the Department of the World Fiction in the North-Ossetian State University, Alan Cherchesov is the founder and President of the Institute of Civilization, Editor-in-Chief of the literary journal published by the Institute, and author of several dozen scientific publications.
Alan has become the winner of several German, Norwegian and US writer and scientific scholarships. He has lectured in the University of Indiana (USA).
In August, 2002, Cherchesov represented Russia at the II International Berlin Festival, attended by delegates from 14 countries.
Alan Cherchesov is the author of the stories “And Summer Shall Come….”, “The Naked Island”, “The Rain”, the novels “The Requiem for a Living One” and “The Wreath on the Wind’s Grave”. He has been awarded the Apollon Grigoriev prize for the novel “The Wreath on the Wind’s Grave”, which has also been nominated for the National Bestseller prize.