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Rambler's Top100 Индекс цитирования

  Complete list of personalities

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Gutsaev Vladimir

One of the most prominent Soviet football (soccer) stars of 1970-1980's.

Heroic and historical songs-ballades

MP3 (most of the records are 40 - 50 years old)


Hopeful Plea

Remembering the Beslan tragedy

How we bombed Tskhinval - Georgian soldier

September 3, 2008, 10:16

I survived the Georgian war

By Lira Tskhovrebova

Ikaev Elbrus

Free-style wrestling Champion of the USSR (1974)

Ikaev Ilia


Joe Mestas: Should the USA and other Countries Support the Georgian Regime?

Joe Mestas, American citizen

Joshua Trevino. Point of view.

August 28, 2008, 5:56




The Equestrian Atr's Legends

KAUKASUS. Reisen und Forschungen im kaukasischen Hochgebirge (in German).


BERLIN, 1905.

Kabaloev Ruslan


Kabolov Soltan


Kadzilov Boris

Major-general, WW2 veteran

Kalitsov Soltan

Major-general, WW2 veteran

Kaloev Alexander

Hero of the Soviet Union

Kaloev Georgiy

Hero of the Soviet Union

Kaloev Oleg

Free-style wrestling European Champion (1981)

Kaloev Sultanbek

Major-general of Military Medical Service

Kaloev Taymuraz


Kaloev Zaur

An outstanding Soviet football (soccer) player of 1950-1960's

Kanteev Murat


Kantemir (Kantemirov) Alikhan

Well known public figure of Ossetian community in Europe

Kantemirov Georgy


Kantemirov Irbek

Well-known Russian circus star, National Artist of USSR

Kantemirov Mukhtarbek

Movie and circus star, National Artist of Russia and North Ossetia.

Kanukov Temirbolat (Bola)

Legendary circus wrestler–giant of the beginning of 20th century

Karadzhaev Shamil

Armwrestling four time World Champion

Karaev Alan

Armrestling and amature sumo multiple World Champion.

Karaev Alexander

Hero of the Soviet Union

Karaev Georgiy

Major-general, WW1 and WW2 veteran

Karaev Ruslan

Amateur World and European Kickboxing Champion,  

K-1 world champion (2005)

Karkusashvili Estete

A dominant free-style wrestler of 1950's.


Karsanov Kazbek

Major-general, Hero of the Soviet Union

Kasabiev Arsen

Talanted weightlifter, represants Poland.

Kasaeva Zarema

Weightlifting World and European Champion and record holder (2005)  

Bronze medallist at Olympic Games (2004)

Kaysinov Georgiy

Free-style wrestling World Cup Champion (1995, 1996)

Kazaev Alexander

Hero of the Soviet Union

Kazakhov Vasiliy

Silver medallist at the free-style wrestling World Championship (1971)

Kelekhsaev Rustem

Free-style wrestling two time European Champion (1993, 1994).

Kesaev Astan

Hero of the Soviet Union

Kessaev Aleksey

Major-general, WW2 veteran

Ketoev Georgy

Free style wrestling world champion (2007)

Khabaev Jacov


Khabalov Sergey

Lieutenant-general, Commander of the Petrogradsky Military District in 1917

Khabelov Leri

A world class free-style wrestling star. 

Olympic, World and European Champion.

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Outstanding Ossetians