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Проект по истории и культуре Осетии и осетин - iriston.com iudzinad.ru

Rambler's Top100 Индекс цитирования

  Complete list of personalities

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* NEW: Traditional Ossetian Norms of Behavior

Brief overview by R.Kuchity


* Yes, without America there would be no war in Ossetia ...

Paul Craig Roberts

*NEW: Saakashvili deserves tribunal over Ossetia war - Medvedev to RT

RT, August 5, 2011

*NEW: Zaramag

By Ruslan Bzarov

*New: Traditional Hospitality in Ossetia

L.Chibirov, 1995

*Russian - Georgian War, Analysis 2011

Tim Byrnes, Australian National University

. War. 08.08.08. The Art Of Betrayal.

The stunning documentary film about what was going on in South Ossetia in August 2008

. Georgia accused of targeting civilians

BBC, By Tim Whewell, Tuesday, 28 October 2008

. Georgia fired first shot, say UK monitors

Jon Swain, From The Sunday Times 

November 9, 2008

. Nato defers on Georgia, Ukraine

BBC, Wednesday, December 3, 2008

. New York Times report questions Georgia’s role in Ossetian war

November 7, 2008, 11:24

. US leads $4.5 billion “support package” for Georgia

RT, October 23, 2008, 4:17

.August 2008. South Ossetia. Genocide.

Pictures from South Ossetia.  

Attention! The pictures contain scenes of cruel violence. Viewers discretion is strongly advised.

.EU observers ‘playing with fire’ in Georgia

RT, October 24, 2008, 3:35


Pictures from Tskhinval


.Ossetia: History of genoсide


.The Roots of Medieval Chivalry.

By Franco Cardini .


A.A.A. Hero of the Soviet Union

Description of the honorary title.

A.B.A. St. George's Cross

Description of the award

A.B.B. Holders of all four degrees of the St.George's Cross

The list of the Russian-Turkish, Russian-Japanese wars and WW1 heroes

Abaev Akhsarbek

Hero of the Soviet Union

Abaev Mairbek

Major – general

Abaev Salat

An outstanding scientist – geologist.

Abaev Vasily

Ossetic-Russian Iranologist and general linguist

Abatsiev Dzambolat (Dmitry)


Abisalov Yurij

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Adyrkhaeva Svetlana

Bolshoy Theater's prima ballerina of 1960's through 1980's

Agnaev Soslanbek

Holder of all four degrees of the highest Russian military honor - St.George's Cross.

Agoev Konstantin

Lieutenant-general, a World War I hero.

Agoev Vladimir

Major-General, a World War I hero.

Aguzarov Saveliy

Honored Trainer of the Russia

Akhsarov Enver

Hero of the Soviet Union

Akoev Alan

Silver medallist at theTae kvon do World Championship (2005)

Akoev Artur

Weightlifting World and European Champion (1991)

Akoev Inal

Doctor of Biological Science.

Akoev Vladimir

Honored Trainer of the USSR

Alans in China


From internet sources

Albegov Ruslan

Weightlifting World Champion 2013

Alborov Boris

Doctor of Science, linguist.

Aldatov Artur

Talanted weight lifter.  

Champion of Russia

Aldatov Ibragim

Free-style wrestling world champion (2006)

Allikkaty Khazby

Hero of the Ossetian national-liberation movement

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Outstanding Ossetians