Yurij Abisalov
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
Born in 1957 in Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia-Alania, Russia.
In 1977 finished North Ossetian Fine Arts College and in 1987 graduated from I. E. Repin Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.
Participant of the exhibitions in Russian and abroad,
of international arts fairs and galleries
Personal exhibitions:
1997 in Vladikavkaz, in Moscow (The central House of the Artists) and in Portland (USA)
1998 in Paris (France)
1999 in Paris (France)
2001 in Moscow (The central House of the Artists), in Zurich (Switzerland)
2002 Zurich, Losanne (Switzerland)
The paintings are kept by:
- The North Ossetian Arts museum after M.S. Touganov (Vladikavkaz);
- The Ministry of Culture of North Ossetia-Alania;
- The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation;
- The galleries and private collectors of Ossetia, Russia, France,
Germany, The Great Britain, Japan, Spain, Switzerland, the USA
Y.Abisalov's paintings: