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Kadzilov Boris
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Boris Kadzilov  


Major-general, WW2 veteran 


B.Kadzilov was born in Karts, South Ossetia. 

He completed a full course at Tiflisskoe Military Artillery School and in the beginning of the war was appointed to a platoon commander in Stavropol. Later on he boldly fought Nazis at other sectors of the front, up to 1943 when he was seriously wounded for the second time during the war. After spending 6 months in hospitals he was directed by the commanders to teach the cadets in  

Moscovsky Military District.  

In 1958 Kadzilov graduated from Frunze Military Academy and continued his service as a Commander of Missile Division. 

In 1987 B.Kadzilov was given the military rank of major-general.  



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Outstanding Ossetians